Survey of MLR Reviewers Demonstrates That Not Much Has Changed
A few years ago, CCC fielded a qualitative survey of medical, legal, and regulatory professionals about industry challenges. It’s interesting because once you read these responses, you will see how many points still resonate.
Watch for our next blog on the opportunities shared by this same group of MLR reviewers.
The internal processes for med/reg/legal review have not kept up with the complexity of and number of marketing initiatives and projects
Skill set differences between most marketing and compliance professionals (progress has been made but challenges still and may always exist)
Workload keeps growing, organizational resources are constrained and there is only so much that can be reviewed in a given time period
Too busy to stop and make process improvements that would create more time to be strategic
Inertia – having been doing it this way forever and have learned to accept dysfunction
The degree of extra resources to drive these initiatives
Wasted time and frustration
There is repeated teaching of teams (marketing and agencies) about how to facilitate efficient review only to have them turn over again given (ongoing change in originators of materials)
Frustration with review time is typical considering the development time and time with the agency to make updates
Keeping up with changing digital environment
New and innovative digital programs and changes to existing programs
Technology, content management, omni channel vs channel migration
Functionality/variations in how information is being communicated (different devices)
Lack of Transparency/Misperceptions
Process is not transparent to all parties and stakeholder focus on conflicting functional agendas and
functional goals which are at odds/create tensionCommercial doesn’t understand how reviewers think
Silos in organization, duplicity, lack of alignment … prevents better understanding
Agencies believe review teams will fix copy that isn’t compliant
Lacking an understanding for and appreciation of value among internal colleagues